Governor Type | Name |
Chair of Governors | Daniel Lister |
Vice Chair of Governors | Aaron Trevitt |
Headteacher | Caron Gardner-Potter |
Deputy Headteacher / Associate Member | Nadine Barrie |
Co-Opted Governor | Vacancy |
Co-Opted Governor | Katharine Owen |
Co-Opted Governor | Jonathan Hill |
Parent Governor | Lauren Purser |
Parent Governor | Vacancy |
Staff Governor | Jennie Brown |
LA governor | Vacancy |
Clerk to Governors | Graham Lampard |
For access to Governor Minutes, please contact the School Office to request a copy from the Headteacher.
Instrument of Government: Community and Community Special Schools & Maintained Nursery Schools
Governors' Attendance
Governors' Business Interests
Governors' knowledge and understanding of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
Governor Membership, Responsibilities and Pecuniary Interests Register
Governing Body Scheme of Delegation
Daniel Lister - Chair of Governors: