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Key Stage 1 - Welcome to our class pages

Key Stage 1 follows the Early Years Stage at Primary School. 

It consists of two year groups, Year 1 and Year 2.  Throughout these years, children learn core subjects such as maths, English, science and computing, as well as foundation subjects.  Our curriculum pages provide further information.  At the end of Year 2, children are assessed against national standards in the KS1 SATS tests. 

Here at Barry Primary School, we recognise the importance of good academic achievements but we also value the many rich opportunities that being a part of a school community brings.  Our class pages provide a window to life in Year 1 and Year 2.

Phonics Screening Check

Phonics is a huge part of learning to read and forms part of Year 1’s daily learning routine.

In June 2022, all Year 1 children in England will complete a Phonics Screening Check with their class teacher to assess whether they have made the expected progress in phonics.

The check is a quick and easy assessment where the children will be asked to use their phonic knowledge to read some words.

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